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Escalation: What would Jack do after Mary Kelly?

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  • GregBaron
    Go Mad? Hardly.......

    Yes, Ruby is correct, people like this can move back into society
    and continue a seemingly normal existence. When you think of going
    mad after such an atrocity you are thinking of yourself or a fairly
    normal human being........that is your mistake......these people are
    subhuman savages but they don't look like it or talk like it or smell
    like it.......this is the insidious nature of the psychopath....think
    of Ted Bundy......he performed the most horrifying acts imaginable
    then went back to his girlfriend, and law school and the weekend party
    and charmed all in his path........we wish these brutes looked like
    the Hunchback of Notre Dame or the Elephant Man but they don't and
    hence the terrible unseen danger they pose...........


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  • Rubyretro
    I absolutely do think that it's possible that Jack faded back into ordinary life :

    One of the possible reasons that the FBI gave for Jack stopping his spree was that the police could have been that the police were getting too is now known that serial killers DO stop. Someone quoted an example on another post here (can't remember the name of the killer -the post was my own under George Hutchinson). I think that french serial killer Emile Louis confessed to having killed 7 girls between 1975 and 1980, in 2000
    (I saw him interviewed, then married with a small child).

    I am sure that the police in 1888 subscribed to the popular view that serial killers are 'mad', you must be able to tell somehow as it 'must do something to their brains', and they will only stop by suicide (remorse) or by being incarcerated -and that's one reason that they had the wrong profile.

    I think that it's a mistake commonly made by members of this site -and certainly rife on the internet.

    I think that people in circumstances such as war can let out the "serial killer" in themselves -witness the war of Vietnam, Rwanda, Bosnia...Pol Pot & all that..sadly the list goes on.. Soldiers are capable of savage butchery of children, pregnant women etc and are then able (successfully or not depending on individual cases) to fade back into being citizens, husbands & fathers.

    Nazi concentration camp workers were able to commit horrendous crimes -and witness them -not in the direct line of fire or danger of war and were able to go home to being ordinary citizens & family members.

    Maybe lots of unsolved murers have been by killers who simply stopped before they were caught, either by self preservation, or because the psychological state (addiction, rejection..) no longer existed ?
    Last edited by Rubyretro; 06-11-2010, 04:33 PM.

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  • Hamrammr
    started a topic Escalation: What would Jack do after Mary Kelly?

    Escalation: What would Jack do after Mary Kelly?

    Is it reasonable to assume that there is a definite escalation of violence and ferocity with each of the canonical victims, excluding Liz Stride (but interruption could have been the reason for this being an anomoly)?

    If so, what do we think Jack could possibly have done after killing Mary Kelly? I can't see how he could possibly have done anything worse than that, and can't think of any murders since that could be comparable in atrociousness (though I don't doubt there could have been).

    I can't see how any human mind could possibly remain intact after witnessing let alone carrying out such an atrocity, leaving me to believe the perpetrator must have either had a complete mental breakdown, or took his own life.

    Anyone agree/disagree? Is it possible for someone to fade back into 'normal' life after committing such a crime? Any knowledge shared would be most appreciated.