I did a Google image search for "Kosminski", and found this, of all things:
Though it's probably old-hat to most of the experienced Ripperologists here, I've never seen it before. Is it authentic? Evidently it's elsewhere on the Internet, but not on the Casebook.
A warning: the blog it's linked to is virulently anti-Semitic. Here's a taste:
Read at your own risk.
Though it's probably old-hat to most of the experienced Ripperologists here, I've never seen it before. Is it authentic? Evidently it's elsewhere on the Internet, but not on the Casebook.
A warning: the blog it's linked to is virulently anti-Semitic. Here's a taste:
Ghastly shochetim surgical cut on the “goy” cattle beast body of one of the Jew Kosminsky’s hapless victims, used to facilitate examination of the internal organs of the deceased, just as the internal organs of animals offered to Jehovah God were separated by the priests in Israel in ancient times.