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Uk 2009??

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  • Wow Neal that would be mind-blowing!! I am so excited as I will be able to come.
    In order to know virtue, we must first aquaint ourselves with vice!


    • Documentary

      Hi Jeff,

      The DVD you speak of is available for anybody who wants a copy. I can't charge, cos it uses load of images and music I didn't get permission for, so money does not change hands.

      Anyhow, I have only ONE copy left - since I moved out of my old place, the computer with the original material on it has had to be rebooted, so it no longer exists to make new copies. It's quite possible somebody out there with copying software could run you off one from their DVD - several people have it (Phil, Monty, Caz, Suzi, etc..).

      Can anyone help? Before SPE strings me up by the googlies. :-0


      • Ah, you should have run with Monty's wind-up, it would have been a great myth to circulate. But yes I really would like a copy if anyone can create one. Other wise I will just have to wait until Jake makes it over here (hopefully soon).

        How long is the Video? If its on DVD, I could try ‘Handbreaking’ it and create a new master if you wish…

        Anyway the wait and build-up will add to the watching. It appears you have created a cult legend.


        PS No pussycats were really hurt in my Pirate Hijacking scheme


        • Back to the London 'mega job'...Would there be any parking facilities?
          'Would you like to see my African curiosities?'


          • Originally posted by Monty View Post
            Thats a Siths choice of weapon have been found out.

            Fear. Fear attracts the fearful. The strong. The weak. The innocent. The corrupt. Fear. Fear is my ally.

            Is that Siths from Star wars?....Or Sithes as in grim reaper?....Or something to cut your toe nails with?

            Can't London be a choice of venue?
            Last edited by Guest; 02-13-2009, 02:42 AM.


            • Hi Shelley
              I understand it will be London,and that where and when will be announced once details are finalised
              'Would you like to see my African curiosities?'


              • Thread switch

                Hi all,

                We're intending to make an announcement this weekend (thereby avoiding Philip's threat made last Saturday evening), so I've created an official thread.

                More soon.

                Best wishes

