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A Violet...

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  • A Violet...

    This from the coroner's inquest on MJK:

    [Coroner] Did she say anything ? - She said "Good night, I am going to have a song." As I went in she sang "A violet I plucked from my mother's grave when a boy." I remained a quarter of an hour in my room and went out. Deceased was still singing at one o'clock when I returned. I remained in the room for a minute to warm my hands as it was raining, and went out again. She was singing still, and I returned to my room at three o'clock. The light was then out and there was no noise.

    Now here's something I don't think we've ever discussed and I think it merits discussion even though it may not shed much light on the crime. It strikes me that MJK sang for a hell of a long time before she shut up. A hell of a long time. Even given that she sounds like she was as drunk as a skunk. And Lizzie Prater, who claims to have been outside Millers Court chatting to McCarthy at the same time Cox was in her room doesn't hear a thing. I don't get it. It's possible that Cox has mistaken the day but I doubt it. Chances are she was spoken to pretty quickly after the murder was discovered. She did live across the passageway. I am not suggesting that Blotchy killed MJK and imitated her singing to fudge the time of death or whatever--although I guess that is remotely possible.

    If MJK did in fact sing that song for that long, then I suspect the crime was committed--a la Murder on the Orient Express--by all the other outraged and exhausted inhabitants of Millers Court. But I don't think she sang for that long. So why did Cox think she did?

  • #2
    Mere speculation- MJK wasn't heard singing for a sustained period, merely at various and sporadic points during a sustained period, so it's not certain she was literally singing the entire time. I can recall a number of occasions in my youth at drunken social functions where some joke or song kept coming up in drunken conversation throughout the course of the night and people would break out in reciting or singing it- AGAIN. There were probably many passers by during the time that Mary was with Blotchy who heard either nothing or just the sound of them talking, as opposed to those who heard Mary singing. It strikes me as the kind of drunken and giggly encounter during which any kind of sex act that managed to take place, if any, definitely wouldn't have been one to remember.

