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Episode 60- The Bank Holiday Murders: One on one with Tom Wescott

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  • Episode 60- The Bank Holiday Murders: One on one with Tom Wescott

    Thread for discussion of Rippercast Episode 60- The Bank Holiday Murders: One on one with Tom Wescott.

    Available to stream or download here:

    As Tom can attest, this podcast is about 5 years in the making, as that's about how long I've been bugging him to be a guest on the show. So I'm grateful he gave so much of his time to share with us his extensive history and knowledge of the Whitechapel Murders.

    Thanks again, Tom!

    And thanks for listening,


  • #2
    Another great episode! welcome back.

    I just ordered Tom's book a few days ago, can't wait to read it.

    -Steadmund Brand--
    "The truth is what is, and what should be is a fantasy. A terrible, terrible lie that someone gave to the people long ago."- Lenny Bruce


    • #3
      Originally posted by jmenges
      As Tom can attest, this podcast is about 5 years in the making
      But only takes about half that time to listen to.

      Thanks, Jonathan.

      And thanks Steadmund, both for listening and getting the book!

      Yours truly,

      Tom Wescott


      • #4
        Superb episode as always (this is my first post but I've been an avid listener and lurker for quite a while now and was really looking forward to the new podcast!). Well done everyone.


        • #5
          I have to say that I found this podcast super interesting. I need my daughter to bring me a copy of Tom's book when she comes to visit me in Taiwan in a few weeks. I love that this isn't a suspect book, and that it attempts to put together a great case for the earlier murders being related, something that many of us suspected, but were afraid to utter for fear of an uprising.

          Also, Tom comes off as way less of a dick than I'd thought. Still a dick, but less of one.

          Seriously fascinating stuff.




          • #6
            I'm not that far in yet, but this is really fascinating, I feel like I'm spying on you guys having a chat, but in a really fascinating way
            “be just and fear not”


            • #7
              Hi ,
              Excellent Podcast , really enjoyed that Tom,one of the best , if not the best, I have heard. My birthday list for sure.
              Regards Richard.


              • #8
                listened to the podcast. very interesting. I enjoyed it a lot.
                "Is all that we see or seem
                but a dream within a dream?"

                -Edgar Allan Poe

                "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                -Frederick G. Abberline


                • #9
                  Highly recommended, and like the book itself quite thought-provoking

                  All the best



                  • #10
                    Welcome back, Jonathan! I'm a great fan of the podcasts and it's great to see you back in the saddle again!

                    I'm looking forward to listening to this podcast (on the Eurostar, probably) and to reading Tom's book which I, too have purchased!

                    Keep up the great work guys!

                    The Countess


                    • #11
                      only just got around to listening, great as expected.
                      G U T

                      There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.

