Originally posted by emlodik
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Actually I think it's time to grit the old teeth and take on Michael Caine again...well the Ripper film anyway!!!! Although there's a LOT of total toot in it....there are some rather fine-if amusing sequences!!
Come in Philip!!!
You haven't been spreading that old story about the guts hanging from the picture rails again have you!!!
Seriously who was this I wonder?
Re Polly-
The amount of blood and the buisiness about only a wine glass being found -of course is open to some sort of derision- It was found that most of the blood following the throat cutting seeped backwards/roadwards into her heavy Ulster coat* and maybe all that was seen on the road was equal to a wine glass as the quote says...Oddly this became 'A wine glass was found at the site' later!!!! Always makes me
Suz x
* Now where she got that rather fine coat and her 'Jolly' bonnet is another story!!