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The Whitehall Mystery

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  • The Whitehall Mystery

    Hello Fellow Ripperologists

    A simple question regarding the location of the Whitehall Mystery, it is stated on this site that "The Vault" where the body was found, was to soon become the Cellar of New Scotland Yard, but was originally proposed to be the site of the projected "Grand Opera House". Would anyone know a way of finding out who was involved in the buildings construction and planning?

    As Always Thanks

  • #2
    Do you mean the construction and planning of the National Opera House or new Scotland Yard itself? I don't know if this is of any help;

    A theatre propreitor named Mapleson was the person who conceived the idea of an opera house on the site c 1875, his architect was Francis Fowler. The project ran out of money quite early on from what I can gather.

    The designer of New Scotland Yard, which commenced construction on the site in 1887 was Mr R Norman Shaw R.A. I think a couple of the actual building companies who were present at the site when the torso was found may be given in the newspapers. I can check that if you are interested?


    • #3
      Hi Debs- Yes the 'torso' was Scotland Yard related-what the other things are-- I don't know either
      Odd though
      I think there may be a difference between these two Her hum

      Suz x
      'Would you like to see my African curiosities?'


      • #4
        Debra and Suzi thank you for your input, it's more help than you will ever know!!! Debra as for your offer to find out more information in the paper trail, it would be wonderful if you could!!!

        Thanks Again

